
Is there a way to remove all sessionStorage items with keys that match a certain pattern?

Lets say my sessionStorage contains three objects who's keys are foo, foobar, and baz. Is there a way that I can call .removeItem or somehow delete all items in sessionStorage who's keys match foo? In this example I'd be left with only the item who's key is baz.


  • Update September 20, 2014 As pointed out by Jordan Trudgett the reverse loop is more appropriate

    You can only achieve it programmatically as sessionStorage exposes a limited set of methods: getItem(key), setItem(key, value), removeItem(key), key(position), clear() and length():

    var n = sessionStorage.length;
    while(n--) {
      var key = sessionStorage.key(n);
      if(/foo/.test(key)) {

    See Nicholas C. Zakas' blog entry for more details: