
I have an error log comming which i am not getting or understand in Python

My code is running properly. I have a code in which user adds data into the Berkeley db. When i checked my error log, i am not getting understand to what does this error mean.

One error log is checked about File permission deneid. I had gicen my db file a permission, but about other error log i am not understanding

File "/usr/lib/python2.5/bsddb/", line 306, in hashopen, referer:, db.DB_HASH, flags, mode), referer:

DBAccessError, referer:

(13, 'Permission denied'), referer:

File does not exist: /usr/local/Apache2.2.17/htdocs/favicon.ico


  • favicon.ico is automatically requested by browsers to determine what icon to show for a page in the browser (e.g. in the tab or window header). You can safely ignore errors related to it if you haven't created an icon for your page, or you can simply create a favicon.ico file and place it in your root serving directory to make the error go away.