
How to Shopping Cart return information using InfusionSoft and PHP

I use the Infusionsoft API in PHP. I built a website and use Infusionsoft to create copies all informations of users on that website. On that website I have some features that users need to buy. I made a product on Infusionsoft and users of my site have link to Shopping Cart.

Here is the problem: How to Infusionsoft return information TRUE or FALSE a particular member of my site has made a payment. This information must make a trigger for my website to make changes to the database and allow the user advanced options.

Trigger I know how to do, it is not a problem but do not know how to set up API to give me information from the purchase for that particular user.



  • You can query the Invoice table to get this information:

    Use this method to make the query:


    $returnFields = array('Id','FirstName', 'PayStatus');
    $query = array('ContactId' => '5');
    $contacts = $app->dsQuery("Invoice",10,0,$query,$returnFields);