I am loading the nib file manually (for UIView reusability), the code for loading the nib file
- (NSArray*)loadMyNibFile
UINib *nib = [UINib nibWithNibName:@"customView" bundle:nil];
NSArray *topLevelObjs = [nib instantiateWithOwner:self options:nil];
NSLog(@"objects: %@", topLevelObjs);
return topLevelObjs;
after loading the nib name i am adding it to a UIScrollView
NSArray *array = [self loadMyNibFile];
CustomView *view = [array objectAtIndex:0];
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 216);
frame.origin.x = self.scrollView.frame.size.width * 2;
frame.origin.y = 99;
[view setFrame:frame];
[self.scrollView addSubview:view];
not the problems is that when I load the nib file this way the init
and initWithNibName
methods are not being called,
how could this be solved ?
Thank you in advance,
You should override [UIView initWithFrame:]
and [UIView initWithCoder:]
methods (see the UIView Class Reference).
If you always load the view from a NIB, as opposed to manual creation, it's probably better to override awakeFromNib
(see reference).