I have multiple entities with a one-to-many relations, such as:
A { List<B> b; }
B { List<C> c; }
C { some fields }
I'm trying to edit these entities by the editors
AEditor extends Editor {
BListEditor b...
BListEditor implements IsEditor<ListEditor<BProxy, BListEditor.BItemEditor>>{
BItemEditor implements Editor<BProxy>{
CListEditor c...
CListEditor implements IsEditor<ListEditor<CProxy, CListEditor.CItemEditor>>{
CItemEditor implements Editor<CProxy>{}
In the UI it looks like:
A - Container with fields and list of items B(list of grids)
B - Container with combobox and grid - C
C - editable grid
So when I try to edit an already saved data it works fine. But if I dynamically create B and C, then while saving list B.c == null
Why RF doesn't send list of CListEditor?
Need to initialize the the collections in the created proxy.