I'm attempting to embed a font using FDT. I notice that FDT doesn't recognise the embedAsCFF="false" parameter.
I'm doing something like this:-
[Embed(source="fonts/RobotoCondensed-Light.ttf", fontFamily="RobotoCondensedLight", embedAsCFF="false")]
tf.embedFonts = true;
tf.htmlText = '<font face="RobotoCondensedLight">Hello</font>';
Without embedAsCFF, no text appears. But RobotoCondensedLight is listed in Font.enumerateFonts()
With embedAsCFF - I get a compile errors: exception during transcoding, unable to build font 'RobotoCondensedLight', and Unable to transcode fonts/RobotoCondensed-Light.ttf.
I assume the problem is the embedAsCFF parameter - or is it something else?
How are people embedding fonts with FDT?
It turns out that the solution is to use the ASC 2.0 compiler. While it doesn't work with the old compiler (and apparently, it doesn't work from the command line either) - but the new compiler fixes the problem.