
mulitple cameras at the same time openimaj

I am currently working on an image processing project using Java OpenIMAJ library. I need to grab frames from multiple cameras (using Logitech C270 USB Webcams right now) to perform manipulations on the grabbed frames.

I have hit a snag right now. I am able to add 2 cameras when both are running at 640X480 resolution and 3 cameras when the resolution is reduced to 320X240 for all three.

But I need to read the outputs from at least 5 cameras at reasonably good resolution to correctly perform my operations. Is this a limitation on the part of the hardware I am using or a software limitation?.. I have listed some details that I believe could help. Do let me know if you need any further information.

Windows 7 Professional 64bit
JDK 1.7
OpenIMAJ v1.1

Pentium Dual-Core E5700 @ 3.00GHz
No dedicated Graphics
Webcams are connected to USB 2.0 ports
(Windows Experience Index 4.1)

Exception thrown for 3rd camera at 640x480 resolution is An error occured opening the capture device

Any comments on why I am getting this limitation would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance


  • In all likelihood this is down to a hardware limitation; streaming from multiple cameras tends to saturate the USB bus. We managed 6 cameras on two separate busses at 320x240 resolution on a single laptop before: