
What's your recommendation for architecting GWT applications? MVC, MVP or custom messaging solution?

I just started a new GWT project for a client and I'm interested in hearing people's experience with various GWT MVC architectures. On a recent project, I used both GXT MVC, as well as a custom messaging solution (based on Appcelerator's MQ). GXT MVC worked OK, but it seemed like overkill for GWT and was hard to make work with browser history. I've heard of PureMVC and GWTiger, but never used them. Our custom MQ solution worked pretty well, but made it difficult to test components with JUnit.

In addition, I've heard that Google Wave (a GWT application) is written using a Model-View-Presenter pattern. A sample MVP application was recently published, but looking at the code, it doesn't seem that intuitive.

If you were building a new GWT application, which architecture would you use? What are the pros and cons of your choice?




  • It's worth noting that google has finally written out a tutorial for designing using the mvp architecture. It clarifies a lot of the elements from the google i/o talk listed above. Take a looK: