
Codemirror editor is not loading content until clicked

I am using codemirror 2 and its working fine except that the editor's set value doesn't load into the editor until I click the editor and it becomes focused.

I want the editor to show the content of itself without it having to be clicked. Any ideas?

All of the codemirror demos work as expected so I figured maybe the textarea isn't focused so I tried that too.

var editor =    CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("editor"), {
                    mode: "text/html",
                    height: "197px",
                    lineNumbers: true


  • You must call refresh() after setValue(). However, you must use setTimeout to postpone the refresh() to after CodeMirror/Browser has updated the layout according to the new content:

    setTimeout(function() {

    It works well for me. I found the answer in here.