
Why does tup need one Tupfile per directory?

I've read a lot about the tup build system.

In many places, it is said that tup "does not support recursive rules" and that you need to have one Tupfile per directory. Yet I have not seen an official statement or explanation.

Is the above claim correct?

If yes, why, and for which kind of task is this problematic? An example would be nice.


  • It is worth noting that currently a Tupfile can create files in a different directory. You could always read files from different directory, so currently you can have a single Tupfile for the whole project.

    Some more info here: (a little outdated) + (new syntax to use the group as input)

    If you use the new LUA parser you can also have a "default" Tupfile - see here and check info about Tupdefault.lua