
What is a good embedded TLS library? (Cyassl vs Polarssl vs Matrixssl)

I have looked around for good SSL/TLS libraries that support TLS 1.2

I also want to use this library on an embedded platform so it should be small, easy, secure and free. It should be a c/c++ library.

So far i have come across Cyassl, Polarssl Matrixssl a lot so i think that one of these should be a good choice (Openssl is way too big).

Now i would like to know why people use one over the other.



  • Ok.. Just for starters they all do the same. All three can run on embedded platforms. The difference is where their focus is.

    From my personal experience:

    With the whole NSA / PRISM thing around: If you want something specifically built in the US, then Cyassl is the best choice. If you want something non-US, PolarSSL is the only sane choice.

    So if by free you mean: I'm going to use it in an Open Source project, then price does not matter. The verdict from the community: PolarSSL has good adoption in OpenVPN, Cyassl in MySQL.