Simple sample code below, with the generated assembler. I'm surprised that the generated code involves variants. The Delphi equivalent certainly doesn't.
TDateTime t1;
TDateTime t2;
int x = 2 * (t2 - t1);
Generated code.
Unit23.cpp.18: int x = 2 * (t2 - t1);
00401814 66C745C82400 mov word ptr [ebp-$38],$0024
0040181A 8D45DC lea eax,[ebp-$24]
0040181D E852180000 call $00403074
00401822 50 push eax
00401823 FF45D4 inc dword ptr [ebp-$2c]
00401826 8D55A8 lea edx,[ebp-$58]
00401829 8D45A0 lea eax,[ebp-$60]
0040182C E8FB000000 call System::TDateTime::operator -(const System::TDateTime &)
00401831 DD5D94 fstp qword ptr [ebp-$6c]
00401834 8D5594 lea edx,[ebp-$6c]
00401837 8D45EC lea eax,[ebp-$14]
0040183A E8F1180000 call $00403130
0040183F FF45D4 inc dword ptr [ebp-$2c]
00401842 8D55EC lea edx,[ebp-$14]
00401845 B802000000 mov eax,$00000002
0040184A 59 pop ecx
0040184B E808010000 call System::operator *(int,const System::Variant &)
00401850 8D45DC lea eax,[ebp-$24]
00401853 E8001A0000 call $00403258
00401858 89459C mov [ebp-$64],eax
0040185B FF4DD4 dec dword ptr [ebp-$2c]
0040185E 8D45DC lea eax,[ebp-$24]
00401861 BA02000000 mov edx,$00000002
00401866 E811190000 call $0040317c
0040186B FF4DD4 dec dword ptr [ebp-$2c]
0040186E 8D45EC lea eax,[ebp-$14]
00401871 BA02000000 mov edx,$00000002
00401876 E801190000 call $0040317c
0040187B 66C745C81800 mov word ptr [ebp-$38],$0018
Note that the result of t2 - t1 is TDateTime and no operator has been defined to multiply int with TDateTime, In this circumstance compiler applies unwanted conversions/casts. Both of operands have been casted to Variant and this global scope operator is called (int on left):
Variant __fastcall operator *(int lhs, const Variant& rhs)
return Variant(lhs).operator *(rhs);
I recommend you to prevent unwanted casts by specifing operand type, thus you should change the expression as:
int x = 2 * (t2 - t1).Val;
int x = 2 * (int)(t2 - t1);
int x = 2 * (t2.Val - t1.Val); // best, minimum assembly is generated