Here is the scenario:
View list them using form:select
<form:select path="branding">
<form:option value="-" label="--Please Select"/>
<form:options items="${brandingList}" itemValue="id" itemLabel="name"/>
When selected, by default it tries to send value as String, which I want to convert to PortalBranding object. So I added @InitBinder
method where I can register my custom editor:
public class PortalBrandingEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport { ... }
But if I want it to have access to some service which loads object by id, I would like Spring to create instance based on some annotation (I would place some @Autowired field inside this Editor). Is that good way? What annonation would be best for it? Looking forward for some suggestions.
What you need is Spring's ConversionService
. Here's the reference:
Simply implement Converter
similar to this:
public class StringToPortalBrandingConverter implements Converter<String, PortalBranding> {
@Inject // or @Autowire
SomeService someService; // Some service or other dependency you need.
public PortalBranding convert(String source) {
// Do your conversion from 'source' to 'PortalBranding' here.
// You can make use of your injected 'someService' as well.
return portalBranding;
Then, you just need to tell Spring about your custom converter:
<mvc:annotation-driven conversion-service="conversionService"/>
<bean id="conversionService" class="">
<property name="converters">
<bean class="yourpackage.StringToPortalBrandingConverter"/>
That's all there is to it.