What is the best way to make use of webshims in a backbone project? Is there a way to avoid using it globally and only loading it for a specific view?
Yes this is possible. But I would always include the modernizr and polyfiller.js in the base setup.
In case you are doing this you should configure at least waitReady and basePath:
webshims.setOptions({ waitReady: false, basePath: "/js/libs/shims/" });
Your code for your view could look like this:
initialize: function(){
//Load webshims
webshims.polyfill('forms forms-ext mediaelement');
render: function() {
this.$el.html( this.template(this.model.attributes) );
//update new created elements
return this;
Normally webshims delays jQuery's 'ready' event until all features are implented. In case you want to use webshims only in a specific view you can't delay it. In case you want to use the polyfilled JS/DOM API. You should wrap your JS code, which uses those APIs in a webshims.ready callback:
render: function() {
var thisObject = this;
this.$el.html( this.template(this.model.attributes) );
//update new created elements
//wait until video API is implemented and then use it
webshims.ready('mediaelement', function(){
$('video', thisObject.$el).play();
return this;
In case you want to speed up things, you can load it inside your view and after window.load:
$(window).on('load', function(){
//preload after onload
webshims.polyfill('forms forms-ext mediaelement');
This way webshims is loaded either as soon as the view starts to initialize or after onload. webshims might give you a warning in this case, that you have called it twice, but this won't hurt.