
How do I raise window to all workspaces automatically in GNOME2 / metacity?

Let's say I want to run in one workspace

sleep 10 && zenity --warning --text 'Wake up!'

and then I work on other stuffs in a different workspace. How do I get this zenity window pop up in whichever workspace I'm in instead of the original workspace I typed the command in? Or is it easier to have it pop up in all the workspaces?


  • i haven't found an elegant way to have such a dialogue pop up in all workspaces simultaneously (multiplex), but found after some fiddling around that wmctrl lets you set a windows position, size and (most importantly) to have it raise it on the currently active workspace.

    in my specific case i needed this to work also for notifications scheduled through cron and at which requires a slightly different approach as shown in the following shellscript:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    ## demo of how to raise a zenity-notification on the active workspace
    ## license: MIT  copyright: antiplex
    export DISPLAY=:0.0
    ## start wmctrl with a delay in subshell
    (sleep 1; wmctrl -r TimedWarning -e 0,40,30,-1,-1; wmctrl -R TimedWarning) &
    ## launch a zenity dialogue of your choice
    zenity --warning --title="TimedWarning" --text="Time is up!" --display=:0.0

    for some weird reason, the above script also pulls the terminal-window from which i scheduled the execution to the active workspace when scheduling with at and when the terminal is still open.

    here is another variant using the notification daemon / libnotify (check package libnotify-bin on debian-based systems) that won't also raise the terminal on the active workspace:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    ## demo of how to raise a non-volatile libnotify-notification 
    ## on the currently active workspace
    ## license: MIT  copyright: antiplex
    export DISPLAY=:0.0
    ## critical notifications with expire time 0 need to be manually confirmed
    notify-send --expire-time 0 -u critical TimedWarning "Time is up!"
    ## rename window title as notify-send would name all its windows 'notify-send'
    wmctrl -r notify-send -T TimedWarning
    ## set new position in upper left corner, keeping the windows size
    wmctrl -r TimedWarning -e "0,40,30,-1,-1"
    ## raise window on currently active workspace
    wmctrl -R TimedWarning