
Using application.ini for configuring Zend_Application Bootstrap

I have written custom resources for my Zend_Application bootstrap.

In the manual the following code is given for loading them:

$application = new Zend_Application(APPLICATION_ENV, array(
    'pluginPaths' => array(
        'My_Resource' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/resources/',
    'resources' => array(
        'FrontController' => array(
            'controllerDirectory' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/controllers',

This however does not make use of the application.ini which I want to use. Is there a possibility to configure this completely from my application.ini?

My final solution: (with help of Will's answer):


  • Yes, you just have to use the path to your application.ini as the second argument to the constructor, e.g:

    $application = new Zend_Application(
      APPLICATION_PATH . '/config/application.ini'

    This is the approach the quick start guide takes:

    In your .ini file you would then add resource paths like:

    pluginPaths.My_Resource = APPLICATION_PATH "/resources/"
    resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers"