
Blank page on the very first install page on linux localhost - Opencart 1.5.4

I have followed the directions in the install.txt file. My system is Ubuntu 13.04, raring. And I have mysql, which is all set up and ready.
This is what I did:
- downloaded opencart.
- copied files from upload folder to my main folder (localhost/j1/oc1/ )
- renamed the config.php file
- allowed permissions on all needed folders for writing
- try to load localhost/j1/oc1 and it redirects to localhost/j1/oc1/install/index.php
- blank page


  • I didn't find the answer anywhere on stackoverflow, so I will post it here for others.

    go into terminal, into your root folder and execute the following commands:

    sudo chown www-data:www-data * -R
    sudo usermod -a -G www-data username

    This gives ownership of the opencart files to Apache.