I'm trying to install mod_python but I got an error:
SyntaxError: ('EOL while scanning string literal', ('/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mod_python/version.py', 3, 79, 'version = "fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git\n'))
This is the version.sh file used in mod_python.
MPV_PATH="`dirname $0`/../src/include/mp_version.h"
MAJ=`awk '/MP_VERSION_MAJOR/ {print $3}' $MPV_PATH`
MIN=`awk '/MP_VERSION_MINOR/ {print $3}' $MPV_PATH`
PCH=`awk '/MP_VERSION_PATCH/ {print $3}' $MPV_PATH`
GIT=`git describe --always`
echo $MAJ.$MIN.$PCH-$GIT
I run it manually then I got:
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
What does this mean? Pleas help!!
The version.sh
file assumes you are installing from git. That seems like a bug.
To fix it, you can remove the line
GIT=`git describe --always`
and change the next line to
echo $MAJ.$MIN.$PCH