like in Algol 68 an if statement ends with fi and a case statement ends with esac , so what are some readability problem other than the reserved words doesn't really make sense in English.
Any suggestions would be appreciated
There's not really a readability problem, it's simply something you get used to, and after some experience the problems falls out of the process. Similar to how many Lisp users "don't see" the parentheses. They simply don't stand out in the general case for the experienced reader.
You have to recall the time of Algol, notably the "68" part, as in 1968.
The bright side of the fi, esac, and od is that they clearly indicate what kind of block they're terminating, and they do it with a single token.
esac is no less clear than }, which is a meaningless bracket until you know otherwise. The {} have the benefit of consistency, while less wordy than Pascals begin - end generic block sequence.
Finally, consider how dominant the English language is in computer language design, and while folks who don't speak english may have some initial issues with the languages, that clearly passes over time.
So, it's a short hurdle that falls away quickly with use.