For some reason Jackson 2.3.0 is unable to parse a JSONP response.
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unrecognized token 'my_json_callback':
I've got the deserialization process to work without the callback.
I've tried with the Jackson JAX-RS package which includes a @JSONP
annotation, but this seems to be used only when serializing.
Finally I've been able to remove the callback part of the JSONP response.
First, Jackson is able to parse the JSON even when it ends with a parenthesis. So, by simply removing the my_json_callback(
from the response is enough.
Since I'm using Apache's HTTP Client, this fixes the issue:
String callback = "my_json_callback(";
InputStreamReader r = new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent());
return mapper.readValue(r, MyObject.class);
The idea is not having to convert the Reader to a String and then parsing that String after removing the callback part.
I was also able to accomplish the same results using JSONTokener
library for a given JSONP String:
JSONTokener t = new JSONTokener(json);
t.nextValue(); // skip the callback
return mapper.readValue(t.nextValue().toString(), MyObject.class);