I'm looking for a way to implement Adobe Illustrator style 'smart guides' when dragging/dropping in Javascript. I'm currently using jQuery UI's draggable
containment: 'parent',
snap: '.other-objects',
snapTolerance: 5
This does 90% of what I want - I can drag .object
around within it's parent, and it will snap it's edges to .other-objects
when it gets close enough.
What I want, however, is for a line of some kind (or a guide of some kind) to appear, if it's in line with the edge of another object, so I can snap stuff in a row without them being directly next to each other.
Does anybody know if this is possible, or how I'd go about doing it?
I started messing around with a jsFiddle. It's not perfect, but it should get you started.
The bulk of the logic is within jQuery UI's drag event handler:
function (event, ui) {
// You'll want to debounce this function so that it doesn't run every mouse move (e.g. see Ben Alman's site @ http://tinyurl.com/37dyjug)
var debounceTime = 200; // milliseconds
setTimeout(function () {
// Loop through all 'other-object's and see if we're lined up
$(".other-object").each(function (idx, other) {
var $other = $(other);
// Determine whether we're "close enough" to display the line
var padding = 1;
var closeToLeft = Math.abs($other.offset().left - ui.offset.left) < padding;
var closeToTop = Math.abs($other.offset().top - ui.offset.top) < padding;
// You can add closeToRight/closeToBottom, but you may need to do some calculation, e.g. right = left + width
// If we're close, display a line, otherwise remove that same line
// TODO: Find a better way of tagging which 'other-object' this line belongs to, using IDs or something more stable than the index of the jQuery each() function!
var id = 'leftOther' + idx;
if (closeToLeft) {
console.debug(idx, 'left');
$('.parent').not(':has(#' + id + ')').append('<div id="' + id + '" class="line vertical" style="left: ' + $other.offset().left + 'px;"/>');
} else {
$('#' + id).remove();
id = 'topOther' + idx;
if (closeToTop) {
console.debug(idx, 'top');
$('.parent').not(':has(#' + id + ')').append('<div id="topOther' + idx + '" class="line horizontal" style="top: ' + $other.offset().top + 'px;"/>');
} else {
$('#' + id).remove();
}); // End of 'other-object' loop
}, debounceTime); // End of setTimeout
} // End of drag function
If I have some time later I'll come back and give it some more thought, but figured you'd appreciate a semi-answer so start you off for now =)