
Is there a way to make Firefox ignore invalid ssl-certificates?

I am maintaining a few web applications. The development and qa environments use invalid/outdated ssl-certificates.

Although it is generally a good thing, that Firefox makes me click like a dozen times to accept the certificate, this is pretty annoying.

Is there a configuration-parameter to make Firefox (and possibly IE too) accept any ssl-certificate?

EDIT: I have accepted the solution, that worked. But thanks to all the people that have advised to use self-signed certificates. I am totally aware, that the accepted solution leaves me with a gaping security hole. Nonetheless I am to lazy to change the certificate for all the applications and all the environments...

But I also advice anybody strongly to leave validation enabled!


  • Go to Tools > Options > Advanced "Tab"(?) > Encryption Tab

    Click the "Validation" button, and uncheck the checkbox for checking validity

    Be advised though that this is pretty unsecure as it leaves you wide open to accept any invalid certificate. I'd only do this if using the browser on an Intranet where the validity of the cert isn't a concern to you, or you aren't concerned in general.