
Limit Database List to Ones With Permission SQL Server

By default if you connect to a remote SQL Server via an account that has access to say 1 of the 10 databases. You will still see in the Object Explorer all other databases, obviously due to permissions you cannot actually query them, but you can see their names.

I have heard that there is a method that disable this behavior, but I've been unable to find the answer, does anyone know how to do this? To give an example I have a SQL Server called MyDbServer, it has 4 databases,

  1. MyDatabase
  2. YourDatabse
  3. PrivateDatabase
  4. ReallyPrivateDb

If you connect via an account that only has permissions to "YourDatabse" you will still see a listing of all other databases, attempts to query will grant "select" permission denied or a similar error.

For security resons, we DO NOT want users to see any database other than the ones they are mapped to.


  • This blog talks about methods for hiding DBs for both SQL 2000 and SQL 2005.