I want to create an .exe from my .msi.
I use for it (with good result):
IExpress /N myFile.SED
myFile.SED was generated by Start menu->Run->IExpress. I want to change the icon (.ico) for the final .exe with IExpress.
I know that I can change .ico for .exe in other programs, even in Visual Studio, but I want to do it at once.
Does IExpress supports setting icons for .exe generated from .msi?
If so, how to set it to myIcon.ico? I couldn't find any apropiate line in myFile.SED
You shouldn't use IExpress to create setup.exe's anymore. There were several security vulnerabilities found in it and Microsoft has since abandoned it.
Instead take a look at the Burn bootstrapper in Windows Installer XML. It's a much more robust solution for creating a bootstrapper/chainer for your MSI.
In Burn you use the Bundle@IconSourceFile attribute to brand the EXE and Add/Remove Programs entry.