This might sound like a simple problem but I am not able to get a good solution. The problem is similar to a knapsack problem but slightly modified.
I have a bag which has a fixed capacity, say C. We have a list of items and their weights. The total weight of all the items is greater than C. How can I fit the maximum number of items in the bag (Also trying to best fill the bag) ?
I thought of sorting the list and select items until the bag is fully filled but the below example disproves the idea
C = 100 and L = 50, 40, 20, 30.
When I sort I get 20, 30, 40, 50 hence my allocation will be (20+30+40) = 90. But we can get a better combination (20+30+50) = 100.
The problem can be solved by transforming this problem into knapsack by giving the weights for each item equivalent to its weight. Is there any other algorithm ?
DISCLAIMER: This is not the most efficient solution; however, this is a solution.
I would -
Here's an example in everyone's favorite language - Haskell!
import Data.List
knappsack bagSize items = answers
sums = [(xs, sum xs) | xs <- subsequences items]
sumFilter = filter ((<= bagSize) . snd) sums
maxSum = foldl max 0 . map (sum . fst) $ sumFilter
maxFilter = filter ((== maxSum) . snd) sumFilter
maxLen = foldl max 0 . map (length . fst) $ maxFilter
lenFilter = filter ((== maxLen) . length . fst) maxFilter
answers = lenFilter