
Do compilers produce better code for do-while loops versus other types of loops?

There's a comment in the zlib compression library (which is used in the Chromium project among many others) which implies that a do-while loop in C generates "better" code on most compilers. Here is the snippet of code where it appears.

do {
} while (*(ushf*)(scan+=2) == *(ushf*)(match+=2) &&
         *(ushf*)(scan+=2) == *(ushf*)(match+=2) &&
         *(ushf*)(scan+=2) == *(ushf*)(match+=2) &&
         *(ushf*)(scan+=2) == *(ushf*)(match+=2) &&
         scan < strend);
/* The funny "do {}" generates better code on most compilers */


Is there any evidence that most (or any) compilers would generate better (e.g. more efficient) code?

Update: Mark Adler, one of the original authors, gave a bit of context in the comments.


  • First of all:

    A do-while loop is not the same as a while-loop or a for-loop.

    So that's the logical difference. That said, not everyone strictly adheres to this. It is quite common for while or for loops to be used even when it is guaranteed that it will always loop at least once. (Especially in languages with foreach loops.)

    So to avoid comparing apples and oranges, I'll proceed assuming that the loop will always run at least once. Furthermore, I won't mention for loops again since they are essentially while loops with a bit of syntax sugar for a loop counter.

    So I'll be answering the question:

    If a while loop is guaranteed to loop at least once, is there any performance gain from using a do-while loop instead.

    A do-while skips the first condition check. So there is one less branch and one less condition to evaluate.

    If the condition is expensive to check, and you know you're guaranteed to loop at least once, then a do-while loop could be faster.

    And while this is considered a micro-optimization at best, it is one that the compiler can't always do: Specifically when the compiler is unable to prove that the loop will always enter at least once.

    In other words, a while-loop:

    while (condition){

    Is effectively the same as this:

    if (condition){
        }while (condition);

    If you know that you will always loop at least once, that if-statement is extraneous.

    Likewise at the assembly level, this is roughly how the different loops compile to:

    do-while loop:

        conditional jump to start


        conditional jump to end
        conditional jump to start

    Note that the condition has been duplicated. An alternate approach is:

        unconditional jump to end
        conditional jump to start

    ... which trades away the duplicate code for an additional jump.

    Either way, it's still worse than a normal do-while loop.

    That said, compilers can do what they want. And if they can prove that the loop always enters once, then it has done the work for you.

    But things are bit weird for the particular example in the question because it has an empty loop body. Since there is no body, there's no logical difference between while and do-while.

    FWIW, I tested this in Visual Studio 2012:

    So it's ironic that while the example in the question highlights why a do-while loop could be faster in the general case, the example itself doesn't seem to give any benefit on a modern compiler.

    Considering how old the comment was, we can only guess at why it would matter. It's very possible that the compilers at the time weren't capable of recognizing that the body was empty. (Or if they did, they didn't use the information.)