
rake gen_deploy rejected in Octopress

I installed Octopress in GitHub Pages.

And I clone the repository.

$ git clone git@github.com:my-name/my-name.github.io.git

$ git checkout source


$ rake setup_github_pages

I input my repository name.


$ rake gen_deploy

I got error

! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward)

my solution

I resolve this problem, in GitHub delete my-name.github.io.git, and make same name repository and

$ rake gen_deploy

But I don't want to delete repository

What is the best solution?


  • I have the same problem when hosting my Octopress blog on github pages. I Googled a lot and finally solved this problem.

    Just change the directory.

    cd octopress/_deploy
    git pull origin master
    cd ..
    rake deploy

    Then it's fixed.