
Html 5 local storage in XUL application

I am trying to implement html5 local storage in a standalone xul application, I would like to use local-storage because I think the Xpcom way looks to complicated.

I have read that for a Firefox extension you can do:

document.content.localStorage.setItem("myvariable", "myvalue");
var item = document.content.localStorage.getItem("myvariable");

But this does not work for my standalone application, so how do I do it?


  • I have found a workaround here.

    var url = "";
    var ios = Components.classes[";1"]
    var ssm = Components.classes[";1"]
    var dsm = Components.classes[";1"]
    var uri = ios.newURI(url, "", null);
    var principal = ssm.getCodebasePrincipal(uri);
    var storage = dsm.getLocalStorageForPrincipal(principal, "");
    storage.setItem("chromekey", "chromevalue");

    What it does is that it pretends that it is so Mozilla lets it assess loaclstorage.