
How to maintain an emacs-based knowledge base?

I've been using org-mode for a little while, I've kept it really simple for now, with only two files :
one to act as an inbox, with remember-mode
another where I stick just about anything that's been processed from the inbox

This is great for managing somewhat 'actionable' items, but I keep adding things of a more general nature, that I won't be needing on a day-to-day basis (how-tos, reading notes etc), so it's getting slow and hard to manage.

The material I'm concerning myself with doesn't fit the /projects/tasks/sub-tasks paradigms, they are more like little knowledge nuggets on selected topics, which are inherently more complex to classify and manage.

I've been wondering what kind of structure could be used to handle that kind of information (classification and retrieval), and if there are maybe other modes that could help with the job ?

I guess there is no pre-made answer to this question, since everyone may have different needs.
Noufal gave good conceptual tips that I'll keep in mind, but overall, the accepted answer provided more pragmatic views on this, the linked resource was a GREAT read.


  • I think this excellent document on how to use org-mode to it's fullest potential will be very helpful to you: "Org Mode: Organize Your Life In Plain Text". It is lengthy reading, but trust me, completely worth the effort.

    UPDATE: You can use the remember-mode section mentioned in the document for your use-case. (I use it for the same use-case) Remember-mode is extremely handy to make quick notes. I use it when I have to store random observations or information that won't go anywhere else. I use the following templates for remember:

    (setq org-default-notes-file (concat org-directory "/remember-notes.org"))
    (setq org-remember-templates
      `(("Todo"    ?t "* TODO %?\n  %i\n" ,(concat org-directory "/remember-notes.org") bottom)
        ("Misc"    ?m "* %?\n  %i\n"      ,(concat org-directory "/Notes.org")   "Misc")
        ("iNfo"    ?n "* %?\n  %i\n"      ,(concat org-directory "/Notes.org")   "Information")
        ("Idea"    ?i "* %?\n  %i\n"      ,(concat org-directory "/Notes.org")   "Ideas")
        ("Journal" ?j "* %T %?\n\n  %i\n" ,(concat org-directory "/journal.org") bottom)
        ("Blog"    ?b "* %T %? :BLOG:\n\n  %i\n" ,(concat org-directory "/journal.org") bottom)

    As you can see, misc notes and other information goes in the notes.org file under the headings Misc and Information. If the note I'm making doesn't fall in any of the categories defined above, it gets filed in the default file (remember-notes.org) and I can always refile it to another location at a convenient time. This makes my note-taking, jotting down random ideas, and such things extremely simple, without taking away the focus from the job I'm currently doing.