
How far do you go with YAGNI?

I am developing a new revolutionary web application for the enterprise market. Sure, many before me thought that their web app would be revolutionary only to find out it isn't. (Or it is, but the business is not good anyway).

So I'm am thinking, in order to find out if my idea has any traction with the lowest cost, to follow an extreme YAGNI:

I just want to start the project and reach as fast as possible a point where I can sell (or try to sell) my innovative features with a simple and engaging UI.

If the plan fails, I will know early. If it succeeds, I will see what customers want then. Do they want a french version? Or do they want users and roles within the organization?

Is this what people mean by YAGNI, or is this a pathological and exagerated example of YAGNI?


  • I wholeheartedly agree with the YAGNI principle, but you still want to plan for success. If an application needs a complete rewrite when it suddenly has more than ten users, then it's YAGNI taken too far.

    Some things You Are Gonna Need. From my perspective, the two most important points: