Consider the following junit
ant target, abridged for readability:
<target name="junit-tests" depends="clean, compile-tests">
<junit fork="true" showoutput= ...>
<jvmarg value=.../>
<echo message="${test.dist.dir}"/>
<batchtest todir=...>
<fileset dir="${test.dist.dir}">
<include name="**/*Junit.class"/>
In order to have verbose debug output for the test.dist.dir
variable, I copied the following line from another target in the build.xml
<echo message="${test.dist.dir}"/>
But within the junit test target, it fails with:
build.xml:94: junit doesn't support the nested "echo" element.
How do I print debug outputs from a Junit ant task?
Put it before the <junit>
<target name="junit-tests" depends="clean, compile-tests">
<echo message="${test.dist.dir}"/>
<junit fork="true" showoutput= ...>...
There is no point to move it inside since the value of the variable can't change.