I got a question. I can't seem to get the last inserted record/id from my MySQL database/table. I want to return the last inserted id from the column 'tag_id', but I'm not getting anything back at all. I'm using DBO by the way. I tried both the 'mysql_insert_id' and the 'lastInsertId', but no success.
My database table looks like this:
Table name: gitags_tags
tag_id | name
437 | 2011
438 | 2012
439 | 2013
440 | new
My PHP looks like this (in this case I want to return '440'):
* Insert the new tagname in the database in the table 'gitags_tags'
$query = "INSERT INTO gitags_tags (`name`) VALUES ('".$new_tagname."')";
if (!$db->query()) {
echo "Something went wrong \n";
echo $query . "\n";
// Neither of these two work ...
echo mysql_insert_id();
echo $db->lastInsertId('tag_id');
Any help is much appreciated.
To get the last inserted record, you could use this:
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->order($db->quoteName('tag_id') . ' DESC');
$result = $db->loadResult();
echo $result;