
Mongoose deleting (pull) a document within an array, does not work with ObjectID

I have the following mongoose schema:

user = {
    "userId" : "myId",
        "dateConnectedUnix": 1334567891,
        "isActive": true
    }, {
        "dateConnectedUnix": 1334567893,
        "isActive": false

I would like to delete the second item in the connections array, to get the following:

user = {
    "userId" : "myId",
        "dateConnectedUnix": 1334567893,
        "isActive": false

The following code does the job as expected:

    { 'connections.isActive': false }, 
    { $pull: { 'connections.isActive':false }}, 
    function (err, val) {

But, I need to delete based on ObjectId. And the following goes does not work:

    { 'connections._id': '1234-someId-6789' }, 
    { $pull: { 'connections._id': '1234-someId-6789' } },
    function (err, val) {

Any suggestions? I have been banging my head against the screen (aka Google, Stackoverflow, ...) for hours and have had no luck.


  • It seems that the above code would not work. It should not even have worked for the first example I gave.

    In the end I was supported by this answer here: MongoDB, remove object from array

    Here is my working code:

        { userId: usr.userId },
            $pull: {
                connections: { _id : connId }
        { safe: true },
        function removeConnectionsCB(err, obj) {
            // ...