
How to enforce ealry-binding with cx_freeze and win32com?

I made some python scripts to control an external CATIA application. I now have to package those scripts into executable files but i can't manage to do it.

Question :

How to enforce win32com to use early binding for specific modules once scripts are built ?

Details :

My scripts controls a CATIA application using win32com.client module. I handle CATIA with late binding except the module CATIA V5 SpaceAnalysisInterfaces Object Library that contains functions with reference input/output arguments. For this one i use early binding, sadly the simple use of MakePy wasn't enought, i had to modify generated sources from the win32com.gen_py package to obtain a correct behavior from the input/output arguments. Now it works fine when i execute python scripts. But if i build them using either py2exe or cx_freeze the executable uses only late-binding so i get bad results.

Here's the way that i hook CATIA application and use its API :

import win32com.client

buff = [0, 0, 0]

catApp = win32com.client.GetActiveObject("CATIA.Application") # Late bind needed
doc = catApp .Documents.Open(path)
part = doc.Part # This property fails if using early binding
spa = doc.GetWorkbench(u"SPAWorkbench")

I = spa.Inertias.Add(part) # Early bind needed

cogCoords = I.GetCOGPosition(buff) # The damn input/ouput argument function

And here's my build script using cx_freeze :

from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable

options = {
    "includes": [],
    "excludes": [],
    "packages": ["win32com.gen_py"]

target = Executable(
    script = "",
    base = "Console",
    compress = True,
    icon = None,

    name = "Test",
    version = "1.0",
    description = "Early Binding Test Built",
    author = "C.LECLERC",
    options = {"build_exe": options},
    executables = [target]

This build script generate a bunch of files including the content of my actual win32com.gen_py module so it should works. But when i execute the file it uses only late binding. I couldn't check if the files are correctly added when i use py2exe but the behavior is exactly the same : late bind !

I took a look at this post but my problem is different. Modules are correctly copied and scripts doesn't raise exceptions. The input/output functions just doesn't works correctly.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • I answer my own question to share the solution i found and flag the problem as resolved.

    Solution :

    Just copy the 'dicts.dat' file from the win32com.gen_py package to the equivalent folder of the '' archive generated by cx_freeze.