
How do you find all matches in regexes with C?

Is there a findall function in C's regex library like there is in python:

re.findall(pattern, input_string)

I have a string containing filenames like so: "path/to/file1.ics,path/file2.ics" with an undetermined number of files in the string. I want to find all the filenames (including their path) and put them in an array of strings.

I'm using the GNU regex.h library


  • Assuming you're using POSIX regcomp/regexec, each call to regexec will only find the first match in the string. To find the next, use the end position of the first match (the 0th entry of the regmatch_t array filled by regexec) as an offset to apply to the string before searching it again. Repeat until you have no more matches. You can write a function to do this if you want.