I am using the HTTP session object to store the logged in user id
in signUpAction.java
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
session.setAttribute("username", val.getUsername());
result = "success";
then I forward the user to a JSP page corresponding to his/her id
User name is <bean:write name="signUp" property="username"/>
The problem is that, when the user clicks the back button, he/she logs back out (without clicking any logout button). I want a session to be maintained until the user clicks on the logout button. And how do I check whether the user is logged in on every page?
I am using Struts 1.3 and I'm new to it. Please help me. I'm trying to develop a Job Portal web app as a project.
Here is how I did it. In my validateAction class file
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
session.setAttribute("username", val.getUsername());
After that on every JSP page i wrote
<c:when test="${not empty sessionScope.username}">
// all the codes goes here
<h1>Please Login First.</h1>
And in the master page I included
<body onload="window.history.forward(1);">
so even when the user clicks the back button the browser won't load the last cached page.
and when the user clicks the logout button, I call my invalidateAction class file
HttpSession session = request.getSession();