I use playframework 2.2.1 with Java,
I am trying to pass BufferedImage or ByteArray or ByteArrayInputStream
to view template in order to display it in browser directly from memory,
without saving to server storage.
in my view template I request an image:
<img src="@{Application.getImage()}"/>
my Application controller:
public static Result getImage() throws IOException{
BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(new File("public/img/1.jpg"));
//some image manipulations
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageIO.write(image, "jpg", baos);
return ok(baos.toByteArray()).as("image/jpg");
in generated html I get:
<img src="SimpleResult(200, Map(Content-Type -> image/jpg))">
I've found some info about this topic (one, two, three, four),
but it is usually related to older versions, or Scala versions of play.
Please suggest anything or point to my mistake,
You should use a route to getImage()
action instead of its Result
in src
<img src='@routes.Application.getImage()'/>
BTW: Although we don't know what kind of manipulation you do with images, sometimes it makes sense to save them to disc - especially if there is possibility that they will be reused. In such case you can return it with:
return ok(new File("/path/to/file"));
Of course still with usage of route
as src