
Python: How to display errors in "Making a Valid Password" and indicate if first character is a letter?

I'm trying to make a password with typical requirements like it has at least 1 uppercase/lowercase, etc. If the password is not valid according to the requirements, we have to display the errors in order for the user to try to get it correct again.

I started out with a while loop so that in the end the user will have an option to continue with another test or not. These are general steps I did.

At the end, if the user's text input is determined to not be valid, I have to display what his/her errors were. That's my main problem now. The code is better after a suggestion. Now I just have to display the errors somehow.

Here's how my code went

while True:
   pw = input('Enter password to be tested if valid or not: ')
   correct_length = False
   uc_letter = False
   lc_letter = False
   digit = False
   no_blanks = True
   first_letter = False

   if len(pw) >= 8:
   correct_length = True

   for ch in pw:
      if ch.isupper():
         uc_letter = True

      if ch.islower():
         lc_letter = True

   if pw.isalnum():
      digit = True

   if pw[:1].isalpha():
      first_letter = True

   if not pw.find(' '):
      no_blanks = True

   if correct_length and uc_letter and lc_letter and digit and first_letter and no_blanks:
      valid_pw = True
      valid_pw = False
      #This is the part where I'm suppose to display the errors if the user gets it wrong. 
      #Initially, in the test for ch. above, I put in an else: with a print statement but because of the for- statement, it prints it out for every single character.

   answer = input('Try another password input? y/n ')
   if answer == 'y'
      answer = True


  • isdigit only returns True or False.

    if ch.isdigit():

    If you want to check if the first two characters are digits, do it outside the loop:

    if pw[:2].isdigit():
        digit = True
    for ch in pw:

    And to check if there are spaces in the string:

    if not pw.find(' '):
        no_blanks = True

    Or if you want to escape all kinds of white spaces and blanks, including newline characters:

    import string
    if not any(c in string.whitespace for c in pw):
        no_blanks = True
    for ch in pw: