
How do I set the classpath that rmiregistry uses?

I'm trying to make a Java RMI client/server app. I'm running into problems starting up the server side of my app, as it keeps running into a ClassNotFoundException during the call to the Registry.bind() method when I attempt to start up the server side of the app.

I started with the simple tutorial here: After following those instructions, it was initially throwing a ClassNotFoundException complaining that it couldn't find "example.hello.Hello". I was able to resolve that by starting the rmiregistry FROM the destDir directory in the tutorial, since rmiregistry, apparently, uses its initial starting directory as part of its classpath.

I started on my other test app after that, and I was fine until I started to use third-party jar files in my server class. Now Registry.bind() throws a ClassNotFoundException if my server class references anything in any jar file since the rmiregistry app doesn't know about those jar files.

As far as I can tell, rmiregistry does not accept any sort of classpath startup arg, so I'm wondering how I can tell it what classpath I want it to acknowledge. According to the tutorial here:, "you must make sure that the shell or window in which you will run rmiregistry either has no CLASSPATH environment variable set or has a CLASSPATH environment variable that does not include the path to any classes that you want downloaded to clients of your remote objects." That sounds like the opposite of what I need... or am I reading it incorrectly? Has anyone had any success starting up a RMI client/server that uses third-party jars (commons-io, commons-logging, and rmiio, in my case)?

This is on Windows, by they way.

Update I found a way around it. See my answer below.


  • (I had originally posted this answer as an update to my question. Per Zecas's suggestion in one of the comments, I'm moving it to the answer section.)

    I was able to get the server part to start up by disobeying the suggestion in the second tutorial referenced in my question above:

    "you must make sure that the shell or window in which you will run rmiregistry either has no CLASSPATH environment variable set or has a CLASSPATH environment variable that does not include the path to any classes that you want downloaded to clients of your remote objects."

    I created a CLASSPATH environment variable and added my .class output directory and each of the third-party jar files to that. I thought I had tried that before, but I guess not... Just thought I'd leave my solution in case someone else has the same problem.