
In Python how can one tell if a module comes from a C extension?

What is the correct or most robust way to tell from Python if an imported module comes from a C extension as opposed to a pure Python module? This is useful, for example, if a Python package has a module with both a pure Python implementation and a C implementation, and you want to be able to tell at runtime which one is being used.

One idea is to examine the file extension of module.__file__, but I'm not sure all the file extensions one should check for and if this approach is necessarily the most reliable.


  • First, I don't think this is at all useful. It's very common for modules to be pure-Python wrappers around a C extension module—or, in some cases, pure-Python wrappers around a C extension module if it's available, or a pure Python implementation if not.

    For some popular third-party examples: numpy is pure Python, even though everything important is implemented in C; bintrees is pure Python, even though its classes may all be implemented either in C or in Python depending on how you build it; etc.

    And this is true in most of the stdlib from 3.2 on. For example, if you just import pickle, the implementation classes will be built in C (what you used to get from cpickle in 2.7) in CPython, while they'll be pure-Python versions in PyPy, but either way pickle itself is pure Python.

    But if you do want to do this, you actually need to distinguish three things:

    And that's assuming you only care about CPython; if your code runs in, say, Jython, or IronPython, the implementation could be JVM or .NET rather than native code.

    You can't distinguish perfectly based on __file__, for a number of reasons:

    In 3.1+, the import process has been massively cleaned up, mostly rewritten in Python, and mostly exposed to the Python layer.

    So, you can use the importlib module to see the chain of loaders used to load a module, and ultimately you'll get to BuiltinImporter (builtins), ExtensionFileLoader (.so/.pyd/etc.), SourceFileLoader (.py), or SourcelessFileLoader (.pyc/.pyo).

    You can also see the suffixes assigned to each of the four, on the current target platform, as constants in importlib.machinery. So, you could check that the any(pathname.endswith(suffix) for suffix in importlib.machinery.EXTENSION_SUFFIXES)), but that won't actually help in, e.g., the egg/zip case unless you've already traveled up the chain anyway.

    The best heuristics anyone has come up with for this are the ones implemented in the inspect module, so the best thing to do is to use that.

    The best choice will be one or more of getsource, getsourcefile, and getfile; which is best depends on which heuristics you want.

    A built-in module will raise a TypeError for any of them.

    An extension module ought to return an empty string for getsourcefile. This seems to work in all the 2.5-3.4 versions I have, but I don't have 2.4 around. For getsource, at least in some versions, it returns the actual bytes of the .so file, even though it should be returning an empty string or raising an IOError. (In 3.x, you will almost certainly get a UnicodeError or SyntaxError, but you probably don't want to rely on that…)

    Pure Python modules may return an empty string for getsourcefile if in an egg/zip/etc. They should always return a non-empty string for getsource if source is available, even inside an egg/zip/etc., but if they're sourceless bytecode (.pyc/etc.) they will return an empty string or raise an IOError.

    The best bet is to experiment with the version you care about on the platform(s) you care about in the distribution/setup(s) you care about.