
VXML visualizer (free/open-source)

I am trying to visualize a VXML file, and have been searching for hours for a free and if possible open-source application, that would run on Windows, despite my intensive search I could not find any application.

Does anyone know a VXML visualizer?


  • Take a look at the Eclipse Voice Tools Project. This open source tool lets you visually develop a voice application that runs on any VoiceXML 2.1 compatible system. The only problem with this tool, and any other VoiceXML tool, is they store the information as meta-data that is translated to VoiceXML either at deployment or at run-time. This will lock you into a tool vendor since it will not be portable from one tool to another. There are not any tools, open source or commercial, that can take straight VoiceXML and visually represent a higher level abstraction of the voice application.