
Android YouTube API video pause when rotate screen or hide player

I'm using the YouTube API for Android. The video is playing normally but when I turn the screen, the player stop the video and it comes back from the beginning as if it had not been played. The same happens when scroll the screen and hides the player. I've researched a lot about and also got to test some things I found but nothing worked =(

This is the way that i declared my class:

public class PlayerTest extends YouTubeBaseActivity implements
    YouTubePlayer.OnInitializedListener {

This is what i put into onCreate():

 YouTubePlayerView youTubeView = (YouTubePlayerView) findViewById(;
    youTubeView.initialize(DEVELOPER_KEY, this);

and this is the methods what i implement:

public void onInitializationFailure(Provider provider,
        YouTubeInitializationResult error) {
    Toast.makeText(this, "Error :( " + error.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG)

public void onInitializationSuccess(Provider provider,
        YouTubePlayer player, boolean wasRestored) {


I want the video continue playing while scrolls or flips the screen. Is this possible? I'm implementing the right way? If not, what would be the best way?

Thank you in advance for help!


  • When you flip the screen, the activity that was playing the video gets destroyed, and a new activity gets created with everything reset. Its a feature, not a bug. :)

    There are a handful of ways of dealing with this; you will probably have to save off some state and then check for any saved data when any new activity gets created, manage the data, etc. Check out: Keeping data view/layout in Android after screen rotate/activity destroyed.