I'm using the gwtupload library to change the standard upload Form. Basically I just want to create a widget with an image and change it on :hover and :active via css.
public class FileUploadFormImpl extends FileUploadForm implements HasClickHandler {
private SingleUploader fileUpload;
public FileUploadFormImplCostum(String actionUrl) {
// Create Panel with costum Button
DecoratorPanel widget = new DecoratorPanel();
widget.setSize("100%", "100%");
// Create a FileUpload widget.
fileUpload = new SingleUploader(FileInputType.CUSTOM.with(widget));
fileUpload.getWidget().setSize("100%", "100%);");
public HandlerRegistration addClickHandler(ClickHandler handler) {
return addDomHandler(handler, ClickEvent.getType());
The projects builds but doesn't run I'm getting the error message:
java.lang.AssertionError: Button should implement HasClickHandlers
But I'm having a click handler and it's basically the same as on the library example code page. I don't get it is my implementation wrong or do I miss something. Thx for any help.
You're passing to FileInputType.CUSTOM.with
method the DecoratorPanel that don't implements HasClickHandlers.