
jqgrid inline edit row validation

I have a Jqgrid with multiple row inline edit. I need to add edit rule for the grid.

I have two columns namely Requested Qty(value is already present) and Approved Qty (which I need to enter in Edit mode). In edit mode, entered value of approved qty should be less than/equal to Requested qty.

How can I get value of other column in edit rule ? How can I perform row validation to compare other column values?


  • In your save row click function, you can validate one cell's value compared to another:

    $("#yourSaveButtonID").click(function (event) {
        // get the current row's ID
        var rowID = $("#yourGridID").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow');
        // get the Approved Qty value
        var cell_approvedQty = $("#yourGridID #" + rowID + "_approved_qty_column_name").val();
        // get the Requested Qty value
        var cell_requestedQty = $("#yourGridID #" + rowID + "_requested_qty_column_name").val();
        // compare them
        if (cell_approvedQty > cell_requestedQty) {
            alert("Approved Qty must be less than or equal to Requested Qty");

    You will have to change _approved_qty_column_name and _requested_qty_column_name to your actual column names. Just remember to keep the leading _ - it is required for this selector.