I have a Gradle build script into which I am trying to include Eric Wendelin's CSS plugin.
It's easy enough to implement, and because I only want minification (rather than combining and gzipping), I've got the pertinent parts of the build script looking like this:
minifyCss {
source = "src/main/webapp/css/brandA/styles.css"
dest = "${buildDir}/brandA/styles.css"
yuicompressor {
lineBreakPos = -1
war {
baseName = 'ex-ren'
war.doFirst {
This is perfect - when I run the gradle war task, it calls the minifyCss task, takes the source css file, and creates a minified version in the buildDir
However, I have a handful of css files which need minify-ing, but not combining into one file (hence I'm not using the combineCss task)
What I'd like to be able to do is make the source and dest properties (assuming that's the correct terminology?) of the minifyCss task reference variables of some sort - either variables passed into the task in the signature, or global variables, or something ...
Something like this I guess (which doesn't work):
minifyCss(sourceFile, destFile) {
source = sourceFile
dest = destFile
yuicompressor {
lineBreakPos = -1
war {
baseName = 'ex-ren'
war.doFirst {
tasks.myTask.minifyCss.execute("src/main/webapp/css/brandA/styles.css", "${buildDir}/brandA/styles.css")
tasks.myTask.minifyCss.execute("src/main/webapp/css/brandB/styles.css", "${buildDir}/brandB/styles.css")
tasks.myTask.minifyCss.execute("src/main/webapp/css/brandC/styles.css", "${buildDir}/brandC/styles.css")
This doesn't work either:
def sourceFile = null
def destFile = null
minifyCss {
source = sourceFile
dest = destFile
yuicompressor {
lineBreakPos = -1
war {
baseName = 'ex-ren'
war.doFirst {
sourceFile = "src/main/webapp/css/brandA/styles.css"
destFile = "${buildDir}/brandA/styles.css"
For the life of me I cannot work out how to call a task and pass variables in :(
Any help very much appreciated;
I think you probably want to view the minification of each set of css as a separate task
task minifyBrandACss(type: com.eriwen.gradle.css.tasks.MinifyCssTask) {
source = "src/main/webapp/css/brandA/styles.css"
dest = "${buildDir}/brandA/styles.css"
etc etc
BTW executing your minify tasks in an action of the war task seems odd to me - wouldn't it make more sense to make them a dependency of the war task?