
Maven wont pick up Spock tests

I've been trying to set up Maven to run my Spock (0.7) tests but to no avail. I've been trying to use groovy-eclipse-compiler as gmaven which is refered to in the Spock documentation is no longer recommended according to its' website. The relevant section of my POM:


When I run mvn test I get:

 T E S T S

Results :

Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

Any ideas why maven/surefire just isn't picking up my tests? As the section of the website suggests I've ensured there is a blank file present in src/test/java


  • Surefire will pick up Spock tests automatically as long as the test classes match Surefire's naming conventions (*Test etc. by default). First you should check if the test classes actually get compiled and are present under target/test-classes. If not, there is probably something wrong with how you set up the Groovy compiler.