
How to convert index of a pandas dataframe into a column

How to convert an index of a dataframe into a column?

For example:

        gi       ptt_loc
 0  384444683      593  
 1  384444684      594 
 2  384444686      596  


    index1    gi       ptt_loc
 0  0     384444683      593  
 1  1     384444684      594 
 2  2     384444686      596  


  • either:

    df['index1'] = df.index

    or .reset_index:

    df = df.reset_index()

    If you have a multi-index frame with 3 levels of index, like:

    >>> df
    tick       tag obs        
    2016-02-26 C   2    0.0139
    2016-02-27 A   2    0.5577
    2016-02-28 C   6    0.0303

    and you want to convert the 1st (tick) and 3rd (obs) levels in the index into columns, you could do:

    >>> df.reset_index(level=['tick', 'obs'])
              tick  obs     val
    C   2016-02-26    2  0.0139
    A   2016-02-27    2  0.5577
    C   2016-02-28    6  0.0303