
How do I authorize users on Telligent Community Server 2008.05 into another site?

I have a group of users with accounts on a Community Server 2008.5 installation, and I would like them to be able to log in on that site and automatically be logged into a Drupal installation as well (on a separate machine).

I believe I'll be able to figure out the Drupal site using the many external authorization tutorials, but I haven't been able to find any information about the CS 2008.5 side of it. Does anyone have any ideas?


  • There is a single sign-on module that enables authenication across sites, this is an add-on. We have used on asp.net forms authentication, but it looks like you its possible using cookies: http://telligent.com/support//communityserver/community_server_2008/w/cs20085docs/installing-cookie-authentication-extension.aspx