
How to send JSON data via Ajax POST request and receive JSON response from an action in Struts 2?

I am trying to understand how to use JSON in Struts 2, and in the process, I'm trying to get a JSON response from Struts 2 action and display an alert for the response. For this I'm using Ajax POST in JavaScript as follows:

function checkButtonClick(id){  

        var btnSave = 'saveAttendees';  
            var atNameList = $('#attName'+id).val();
            var ptNameList = $('#postName'+id).val();
            var aId = $('#at_id'+id).val();
            var arr = {buttonName:  btnSave,
                    attendeesNameList: atNameList,
                    attendeesPostList: ptNameList,              
                    hidden_At_id: aId
                data: arr,
                type: 'POST',
                dataType: 'json',               

My Action class contains a String field that I'm trying to display in alert as JSON response. But I have a problem doing this. What am I missing or doing wrong?

My action class is as follows:

private String myMsg;

    public String getMyMsg() {
        return myMsg;

    public void setMyMsg(String myMsg) {
        this.myMsg = myMsg;

private String updateAttendeesRecord() {
        meetingRecordService.updateAttendeesRecord(attendeesListMethod(), meeting_record);
        setMyMsg("Update Successful!");
            return SUCCESS;

struts.xml file:

 <package name="default" extends="struts-default, json-default">
      <result-type name="json" class="org.apache.struts2.json.JSONResult" />
      <interceptor name="json" class="org.apache.struts2.json.JSONInterceptor" />
    <action name="meeting_record_form" class="com.task.action.MeetingRecordAction" method="updateAttendeesRecord">
     <result name="success" type="json" />

My pom.xml:



  • I've solved my problem by adding myMsg on the json result. Thanks for all the help