
Candy Chat Ejabberd user login information

i have ejabberd installed and configured on a centos 6.5 server with http_bind enabled auth_method set to anonymous,internal using candy-chat as a client to connect to ejabberd on my server everything works just fine .. my problem comes next

i want to add more information to users logged in based on a certain log-in form .. user supplies his username , age , country and gender

and in candy chat i want to see his nick name as follow

(country-flag as an icon)username(age) ..

so how can i modify ejabberd to work accordingly , are there are any extra modules i can add ? or plugins for candy ? i did some research of course but i couldn't come up with much


  • Try using a vcard module.

    1. ejabberd: https://github.com/processone/ejabberd/blob/master/src/mod_vcard.erl
    2. candy chat uses strophe.js, so extend strophe.js and try to hook it up to candy chat: https://github.com/strophe/strophejs-plugins/tree/master/vcard